Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Diva Cup Review and Giveaway!

Welcome to my Diva Cup review and Giveaway! 

How much do you spend a month on tampons? Usually I spend at least $8 for the box of 36...18 super and 18 regular. Like everyone, I've had leakage problems when I can't get to the bathroom when I'm at work, or even asleep. I'm ready for a change. 

The good folks over at Diva Cup so generously provided me with a menstrual cup to try! What is a menstrual cup? It is literally a cup you put inside your vagina to collect your menstrual blood. I'm gonna stop here for a second. Everyone get your "OMG gross!" comments out of the way while I laugh at your ignorance. Ha Ha Ha. 

This is a Diva Cup next to a super absorbency tampon expanded in water 

As you can see, the size is no different than an expanded tampon. 

Its a really cool product. You fold it, insert it and don't have to worry about it for about 8 hours when you have to empty it. 

Set it and forget it. 

When you empty it, you just dump it in the toilet, rinse it out, pat try and shove it back in. Once you get home, wash it out with the special Diva Wash cleanser to kill any bacteria. 

I'm gonna give you a day to day play by play on how my first experience with the Diva Cup went. 

Day 1: My first day with the Diva Cup. I had little problem inserting it. I had to try twice cause the first time just felt wrong. After 5 hours I suddenly became very aware of it. I'm guessing its because it got heavier as it collected the blood, so it shifted its position. It still wasn't uncomfortable, I just knew it was there. Honestly, no different than a tampon when I can feel it expanding. 

Day 2: Things started out fine...then sometime at work things got dislodged and became uncomfortable. There was still no leakage and it didnt hurt, but it wasn't comfortable. I actually had to remove it while at work because I didn't have time to mess with it. 

Day 3: Opps. I forgot to use it today so my results for the day are inconclusive. 

Day 4: Had no real comfort problems and no leakage. I did have a bit of an issue at work because I had to empty it and it took a couple tries for me to get it back in. 

Day 5: No leakage, no comfort problems until my boyfriend sat on my uterus and shifted things around. 

As you can see, I really didn't have any problems. There is no mess whatsoever. I never once got blood on my hands, on my clothes or my underwear. The only issue I had was having to empty it at work. I found it most comfortable to insert it while squatted, however that's not really an option in a public bathroom, so I had to try to find a comfortable position while seated on the toilet, which took a few minutes. It was a bit too time consuming at work, but now that I know how often I need to empty it, I know I can go a full 8 hour shift without having to take it out. Oh one of the best parts? You can use it for up to 12 hours at a time! The second best part? You can use it for a full year before it needs to be replaced! 

I am super happy with it, and don't plan on going back to tampons. 

The Diva Cup comes in two different sizes. Model 1 is for women under 30 who have never had children. Model 2 is for women over 30 or have had children, regardless of age. 

Now you are curious aren't you? Wanna try it yourself? Guess what? Diva Cup has agreed to give away a Diva Cup to one of my lucky readers! 

How do you enter? Simply leave a comment on this post! The contest is open until Friday at 11:59pm. Saturday morning I will choose a winner at random using random.org and notify you via email. If the winner does not have an email address provided I will have to choose another. 

For those of you who don't win, you can find a store that sells the Diva Cup here or buy one online here. 

Need more information before you decide to buy one? "Like" their page on Facebook and follow them on Twitter

Have you ever tried a Diva Cup or any other menstrual cup? What kind of experience did you have? Leave a comment for a chance to win! 

***The wonderful men and women at Diva Cup no way compensated me to review their product other than providing me with one to try***


  1. That is just EFFING disgusting....I can't believe you actually tried it. Yuck. Just the idea skeeves me out.

  2. Not for me..And it does look larger than a tampon...Ewww, this looks like something that was used in the days before pads or tampons were on the market.

  3. By the way, lbm is Lisa; it's an old username for Lisa Bennett Marino.

  4. I've been using my divacup for almost 2 years and I love it! Put it in and forget it! No more running to the drug store when you run out of tampons or that gross pee covered string creeping up your butt crack!


  5. This is an alternative that I'm really interested in trying. The moldy tampon story that has been circulating sort of freaked me out LOL

    -Stephany P
    Sassymommax3 at yahoo dot com

  6. I've been wanting to try the Diva Cup. It seems like a great, economical and environmentally friend alternative to tampons.

  7. I can't live without my Diva Cup. After a few years of use, I need a new one!

    Glad that you were willing to try it :)

    Mapsgirl at gmail dot con

  8. crystal your blog was good i would be willing to try it hey havta try everything once

  9. I would love to try this. I am worried though b/c I have very heavy periods...but it's worth trying.
    tabisadelta at hotmail dot com

  10. I wanna try it! Budget and eco friendly works for me! Carlihook at hotmail dot com

  11. Just as long as I don't get the one you tried.
